Monday, October 10, 2011

Chemical Castration?

I recently heard that Russia's parliament has a new bill in proposal, one that allows for chemical castration. reaching for more information, I found this article, that will provide a little bit more clarity to the bill's purpose and extent. Criminal Punishment is a subject that has many subcategories, none of which I will ever be capable of completely addressing; but what I am willing to do is share some thoughts on this particular bill.

The logic behind the bill is simple, if a sexual offender is known, then removing the, shall we say, chemical natures of desire, then the recidivism rates must drop significantly. The only problem is deciding if the ends justify the means. It would appear that Russia is in favor of the bill, but how would it hold up in America?

My belief is that senate and congress would not be able to pass such a law. I don't know about Russia, but the United States has an amendment  that deals directly with this sort of problem, and it has a very clear answer. No. Furthermore, media would be all over this with coverage, and organizations would come out in protest in such mass, using the constitution as their foundation, that congress and senate would in know way be able to cleanly pass such a bill.

What do you think about this bill? Would it pass? Should it pass?

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