In my own blog, I have seen better and worse, but there is just one example that I feel really summarizes my writing this past quarter/semester. Of all of my writing, I feel my efforts are best seen in my blog, A Tall Demand for Education.
For me, this blog covers the key things I try to achieve in writing a good blog post. I always try to, not always with success, keep the topic relevant and contemporary. In this particular post, I write about a recent event for a very well known figure, Shaq, when he got his doctorate in education. Furthermore, with a topic of education, it was very relevant to some discussions about college that we were having in class at the time of the post.
Additionally, I tried to keep the post clear and concise. The post was relatively short, and I don't feel like I repeated myself or made things redundant at all. With the exception of a highlighting glitch, it reads easily, is attractive to look at, and things are visually emphasized when needed.
In many of my posts this year, I tried to keep things focused on more critical issues, and pressing matters in the status quote. In talking about educations' importance in America, I feel like the post about Shaquille O'Neal is just one of many examples of when I talked about importance issues that trends all across of America. More importantly, I feel like I have addressed issues in addressing issues, such as general themes of correlation vs causation and alternatives.